Stefanos is getting prepared for a real challenge, will you support his campaign?

Created by : panagiotis

Project end date
Friday, January 17, 2025 - 12:00
9.140 €
pledged of
12.000 €
174 days to go


My name is Stefanos Tsallas. On December 26, I will begin my 5-day ascent towards the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro at 5895m. My aim is to spread a message of solidarity. To this end, I’d like to ask for your help.

I am trying to fundraise 2 euros for Doctors without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres) Greece for every meter I am going to climb. Allow me to explain why it is so important to have your support.

I did my undergrad studies in Athens Medical School and took an MSc in plastic surgery in the UK. Around the same time, I started working in plastic surgery departments throughout London.

After 4 years of practice in the UK I was ready for a change of pace. I was well aware of MSF, its action, what it stands for; I’ve always wanted to join them, find myself in the midst of a crisis as it unfolds, help provide for people going through, what is more often than not, the most difficult time in their lives. I joined and shortly afterwards found myself in Lesvos, as part of the European migration crisis programme. In only 4 months working for MSF, I was hooked.



The stories our beneficiaries shared with us are horrific, yet we cannot, should not, look away. There are prisons where the dead are kept in the same cells as the living. There are people so desperate they will manipulate those dead bodies in a grotesque ‘puppet show’ - all to entertain their captors, all for a slice of bread or a sip of water.

Going back to the UK, I was faced with a comparison I was dreading to make. There is no denying the vast difference in the level and quality of care we enjoy in the UK and the rest of the Western world, compared to what we could offer to these people. If anything, I needed to spread the word, let everyone know how desperately help is needed.

The last 4 years a humanitarian disaster of unprecedented magnitude is happening in the Mediterranean region, right on the doorstep of our Western world. These are difficult times for all and it’s easy to put away feelings of empathy and solidarity. We’ve become accustomed to brutality, indifference and numbly accepting one tragedy after another. We need to act.

Thank you for your support.


Note that all the income gathered in this platform will be donated to Doctors Without Borders Greece. All Stefano’s costs are covered entirely by him.



Μπραβο Στεφανε!!! Εισαι πολύτιμος για τους φιλους σου , πολυτιμος για τη γενια σου! Θα ειμαστε κοντα σου στη σκεψη και οπως αλλιως μπορει ο καθενας

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